Think ethereal & lustrous, this bouquet gleams with little whispers of clematis and astrantia. This signature bouquet is a Flùr favourite, with our wild, natural garden style.
Local deliveries and collections will be aqua-packed in water, placed in one of our boxes and gift wrapped with craft paper, hessian and a rustic charm.
Composition & Care
All our designs are freshly made each day in our Pitlochry shop and each is bespoke, made using the freshest, seasonal flowers we have in stock that day within your colour choice. The flowers and foliage used will be similar in colour and texture to the image shown. The arrangement pictured is our 'Large' size. These pictures and descriptions are therefore a reliable guide rather than an exact representation.
After removing all the packaging, cut at least 2cms from each stem at a sharp angle.
Place in a vase with plenty of fresh water and add flower food.
Keep away from direct sunlight, heat and draughts.
To enjoy your flowers for as long as possible, repeat these steps every few days.